Aqualander Zen shoes are on sale on Amazon from today 7 June 19
I thank all those who are collaborating: R.G.E. of Loreto, Ancona, Italy that produces them, Mouldprotec of Padua, Italy, which made the moulds, Ballop Korea that financed the construction.
I thank all those who tried the prototypes and gave us useful suggestions, including Alessandro Calvi, Olympic athlete of the 4×100 s.l. of Athens, Matteo Benedetti and Diego Novella swimrunners, Andrea Deias surfer, and all the common people who after trying them encouraged us to continue.
It was not easy, years of experiments, tests, projects and work.
Aqualander ZEN is something really different and that opens up a new way to experience the beach and the sea.
As a reward to the first customers until june 20 ZENs are on sale for € 25 instead of € 29.

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